
How Cannabis Can Help You Cut Your Alcohol Consumption

Currently, the times are uncertain as a result of the global crisis. Many are losing their jobs every day, and

Why Dispensaries are Still Open Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

In early March 2020, United States President Donald J. Trump enacted a national state of emergency due to the accelerated

10 Strains of Cannabis to Help Increase Productivity

In the adult stage of  our lives, fatigue and lack of productivity (lethargy)  is one of the most uncomfortable feelings

Cannabis Infused Wine: What Is It And Why Would You Want To Drink It?

Cannabis is becoming a culinary ingredient as more states focus on making the drug available for recreational use. Cannabis infused

Can Cannabis Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions?

In life, as in business, success is measured by weighing the pluses against the minuses. With this entry, we’re primed

Depression and Anxiety: Which Strains are Best for Each?

More people experience depression and anxiety than you may think. There are many people who go undetected dealing with one

Understanding the Therapeutic Potential of Terpenes

Cannabis consumers often place a considerable amount of emphasis on the cannabinoid profile of the products they select. Of course,

The Best Cannabis Strains for Creativity

Cannabis has been given credit for the creativity behind many great artists, from a wide range of fields. Studies have backed up

Las Vegas Medical Cannabis Association Event 2019

The Las Vegas Medical Cannabis Association (LVMMA) partnered with Euphoria Wellness to host a special press event commemorating Las Vegas

Why So Many Runners are Enhancing Their Runner’s High with Cannabis

The recent legalization of cannabis has revealed a large number of trends that many people did not expect. We didn’t