cannabis leaf plant on dark background

Storing Cannabis 101: The Dos and Don’ts

Whether you are new to cannabis or have been enjoying its unique benefits for years, it is important that you learn how to store your products properly in order to ensure they stay fresh for as long as possible. The fact is that while cannabis can stay good for as long as a year when stored properly, there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding storage methods. Unfortunately, improper storage can degrade cannabis in a matter of weeks, causing it to lose its aroma and potency. To help ensure that you are able to get the most out of your cannabis for as long as possible, keep reading for a look at some of the most important dos and don’ts for storing cannabis properly.

Do: Keep Your Buds in a Dark, Cool Place

One of the most important things that you should do when storing cannabis is to keep it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. When cannabis is exposed to sunlight, the sun’s UV rays can diminish its color and reduce its potency by preventing THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids from functioning properly. Temperature is also important in ensuring that your cannabis stays fresh. Ideally, you should try to store your cannabis between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit (between 50-68 degrees is also acceptable).

Keeping your cannabis in a relatively cool location is critical as very high temperatures can cause your cannabis to dry out, ruining its flavor and potency. Extreme heat also drains the oils inside the plant, resulting in a harsher, unpleasant smoking experience. It is then recommended that you store your cannabis on a dark shelf, or inside of a cabinet, in a cool spot in your home (preferably lower to the ground) where it will be shielded from sunlight and extreme temperature variations.

Don’t: Use Oversized Storage Containers  

By now, it is likely that you have been made aware of the importance of storing your cannabis in an airtight container. Keeping your bud in an airtight/low oxygen environment is critical, as studies have shown that oxygen exposure can reduce THC levels. This is why many cannabis enthusiasts choose to purchase special airtight jars to store their cannabis in, as this can help reduce oxygen exposure, helping to maintain potency.

However, when choosing a storage option for your cannabis, it is important that you do not use a container that is too big for your storage needs. Even if a jar is airtight, if it is relatively empty, there is still a chance that air will linger in the empty space. Try to purchase a container that you can keep two-thirds full, as this will minimize oxygen exposure while also ensuring there is enough room that your buds will not be crushed. You should also make sure to avoid storing cannabis in a plastic container, as plastic attracts trichomes that can reduce potency.

Do: Keep An Eye on Humidity Levels

Humidity control is essential in order to ensure your cannabis stays fresh yet does not grow mold or mildew. Ideally, you should try to store your cannabis in a controlled environment where the relative humidity is between 59 and 64 percent. Should your cannabis be exposed to humidity levels greater than 65%, you run the risk of it growing mold. Mold growth is almost guaranteed with humidity levels at or above 75%. However, you also want to ensure that your marijuana does not get too dry either. If exposed to humidity levels lower than 50%, trichomes become dry and brittle. Low humidity levels will also cause the essential oils in cannabis to start to dry out, causing the plant to lose its aroma and flavor. You should then consider investing in a hygrometer to help you measure and keep track of the humidity in your storage area. Do not be tempted to use a tobacco humidor to help you regulate the humidity of your cannabis. The fact is that most of these contain cedar wood, which has oils in it that could alter the flavor of your cannabis.

Don’t: Store Cannabis in the Fridge or Freezer

Considering it is recommended that cannabis be stored in a cool, dark place with regulated humidity, there is a common misconception that the best place to store marijuana is in the refrigerator/freezer, however, doing so is a big mistake. While it is true that cannabis should be stored in a relatively cool place, the extreme cold of a refrigerator can cause it to become brittle, resulting in trichomes snapping off. Additionally, temperature and humidity levels in your refrigerator can actually vary greatly throughout the day depending on a variety of factors including how often it is opened. These extreme fluctuations in humidity and temperature can actually create condensation on cannabis products, increasing the chance of mold and mildew growth.

Do: Keep Your Buds From Moving Around

When possible, it is important that you keep your cannabis stationary. The fact is that movement causes friction, and if you are constantly relocating your marijuana, this could result in trichomes being lost. Keeping your buds intact is essential for the best experience, so only move your cannabis when you plan on using it.

Don’t: Be Afraid to Ask for Advice 

Figuring out the best way to store and preserve cannabis products can feel overwhelming, particularly for new cannabis users. If you are unsure what you should do to protect your cannabis, do not be afraid to ask for advice. The fact is that the budtenders at your local dispensary are likely extremely knowledgeable about cannabis storage best practices, and they will be more than happy to provide advice on the best products and techniques that will help preserve your purchases.


Feel free to contact us to learn more about the dos and don’t of effective cannabis storage.